Soldo - the beginning of the journey

At Soldo I became the sole member of the accounting partnerships team.

I created these assets out of necessity -

to maximise my time and help other teams in the business, while still growing the accounting channel.

The quality of the videos I can produce has now improved, the principles behind these assets formed the foundation of my approach.

Account Management Tools

Welcome to the Soldo Partner programme

These videos allowed me to provide a personal touch to new accounting partners, whilst also allowing me to manage the volume of new enquiries.

I could maximise my time speaking to - and listening to - accounting partners who were keen to move forward with the product.

Smart Uses Series

Time to Value (TTV) is an important metric to consider to avoid churn - so these assets were useful in showing new accounting partners exactly how to solve their problem quickly using the product.

They also become very useful demo alternatives for firms with specific niches or needs. Once a partner was settled on the platform, they became very useful for expanding their usage into different use cases, strengthening our relationship with the firm and opening up the addressable market within the client base.

Quick Tips

Quick tips videos were a great way to add value through my social media channels. They were useful for existing customers, but would also capture the curiosity of potential new customers and partners at the same time.

Publishing useful content on my LinkedIn profile meant it was easier to connect with new prospects there, too.

Tutorials and Support

Onboarding Tutorials

Implementation is often the trickiest stage in selling saas software - but I didn’t have an implementation team available to support my partners in getting started.

That’s why I created some short tutorial videos to show my partners how to get started with the product. This, in effect, formed a very rudimentary ‘digital onboarding’ journey, which has since been developed further.

Sales Enablement

Sales enablement tools were useful for taking pressure off my accounting partners in promoting the product to their clients - however I didn’t have the capacity to demo directly to their clients one by one.

So, the answer was to create a series of sales enablement tools which accounting partners could simply pass on to their clients.

Support and Customer Success

I noticed that the support team were struggling with the volume of support tickets - so I started to create quick tutorial videos to answer the most commonly asked support questions.

These also become useful assets to pre-empting support requests or providing to accounting partners who were reluctant to log a ticket directly with the support team.

