Rolling Demo

A Rolling Demo is a perfect visual aid to support you or your sales teams
while exhibiting.

It means you spend less time:

  • Finding and unlocking a laptop

  • Logging into your product

  • Resetting demo data

  • Fighting with slow wifi

  • Getting drawn into lengthy demos and Q&As

…and enables you to focus on asking key questions, building a connection and capturing great data to support a solid follow up and proper conversation after the show.

The rolling demo is short, only 30-60 seconds and designed to loop indefinitely. The short length means anyone on the stand knows that the key feature they need to refer to will be on screen in just a few seconds.

The focus of the content is on major software features and workflows - supported with graphics and text to communicate key points.

It should support the answer to the question: “What do you do?”

This asset is very useful in supporting an on stand strategy or keeping conversations relevant, but reasonably short and capturing details for a more in-depth follow up call.

Also, seeing some interesting visuals can get prospects to stop and look from the aisle, lowering the barrier to entry for attendees who’re reluctant to strike up a conversation.

Length: 30-60 seconds

Target: Exhibition attendees

Purpose: A visual aid which avoids many of the logistical challenges with delivering live demos on the stand.


  • To play on a screen or projector whilst exhibiting at a trade show.

  • Rolling demos can also be used in slideshows and presentations

Ideally paired with:


An off-the-shelf version which includes:

  • 1 hour of consultation time to assess the target customer and key features

  • Either 1 hour of coaching to capture the product footage, or captured-for-you

  • Inclusion of your brand colours, fonts and assets

  • 1 round of revisions

  • Deliverables: 1 x 30-60 second video


Alternatively a bespoke service is available - contact us to discuss your needs.
